在讀完《渡鴉之城》第二本The Dream Thieves之後就超級想要趕快把這個系列讀完!!!
Blue Lily, Lily Blue跟前兩本一樣,很有趣又很好看,不過是有缺一點小東西,讓我沒有完全愛上!
《渡鴉之城》#1 The Raven Boys 渡鴉之城:心得與系列介紹
《渡鴉之城》 #2 The Dream Thieves 竊夢者:心得
One of Calla's eyebrows momentarily considered punching the woman.
"Jesus Christ," Gansey said, to hide the sound of every hair on his body standing up and both of his testicles retreating.
"You guys have a death list?" Ronan broke in. "That is fucking dark. Am I on it?" "Some days, I wish," Blue said.
其實這系列一直以來最吸引我的就是作者的文筆!Maggie Stiefvater寫的東西讀起來很繁複又很獨特,許多的描述或者是譬喻都會令我不禁讚嘆:他怎麼能夠想到用這種筆法寫?!除此之外,他寫的東熹都很詼諧有趣,讀的時候感同身受,自己卻完全學不來他的那種筆法!!!真的是很讀一無二的,跟我一樣很吃作者文筆的讀者絕對要嘗試的!然後像上面那句講Gansey我真的是快要笑死了,會講到testicles縮上去真的是有夠莫名其妙但是又很真實!!!!哎哎哎我想就算他的小說沒有任何的劇情只是一堆人在講話我也會很愛!
At her current rate of practice-acquisition, Blue imagined she would be comfortable behind the wheel of a car sometime in her forties.
Orla wasn't wrong, of course. But what she didn't realise about Blue and her boys was that they were all in love with one another. She was no less obsessed with them than they were with her, or one another, analyzing every conversation and gesture, drawing out every joke into a longer and longer running gag, spending each moment either with one another or thinking about when next they would be with one another.
這些角色之間的感情,層層堆疊,作者並不急著在第一本書中就把所有人之間的關係講清楚,而是一本一本的讓我們慢慢發覺。在第一本中,我一直覺得Gansey好像蠻可憐的,好像他一直單向為朋友付出。漸漸地,我們看到他們之間對彼此的關心,連表面看起來機車又尖酸苛薄的Ronan也一樣。除了Ronan在The Dream Thieves中讓我開始看到他善良的一面,這本中我也越來越看到他的內心了~~~另外,Adam在The Dream Thieves中十分令我失望,卻在Blue Lily, Lily Blue中開始走上坡的!
第二個缺點,就是Noah這個角色!明明他在第一本中是蠻重要的角色(雖然他沒有主動做什麼),在The Dream Thieves中也有一幕很重要,但是到了第三本,就真的是有點淡去了⋯⋯感覺他的角色就是那些神秘能量出問題時,他會有明顯的變化讓其他人知道有事情怪怪的⋯⋯他有時在有時不在,很多重要的幕都沒有跟其他人在一起!雖然還是可以感覺到其他人的關心,總覺得他已經被推到幕後了,不是主角群之一了!
〔Cabeswater -- the cave〕
Queens and kings, Kings and queens,
Blue lily, lily blue,
Crowns and birds, Swords and things,
Blue lily, lily blue.
我很喜歡Maggie每本小說的prologue,都會為整本小說墊下一個有點神秘的氣氛!!!在故事一開始,一夥人決定去探索Cabeswater新跑出來的那個山洞。但是因為這裡是Cabeswater,所有人的錶都沒有辦法使用,於是Gansey就叫Ronan用唱歌幫大家計時!!!這裡讀到真的是笑出來,很難想像Ronan唱歌,更不能想像她被強迫要一直重複唱民歌之類的哈哈哈。完全無法想像小時後的Ronan在練歌會是什麼樣子?他感覺就是一個打從一出生就很兇悍的人啊!而且我超級想要作者編出一個完整的murder squash song,到底是能夠多機車的一首歌啊???(不過網路上很多粉絲創的版本)
"I want you to whistle or hum or sing, Ronan, and keep track of time." "You have got to be shitting me. Me." "I know you know a lot of songs all the way through, and can do them the same spped and length every time. Because you had to memorize all of those tunes for the Irish music competitions."
...Then, with a wicked smile, he began to sing, "Squash one, squash two, s --"
〔Blue x Gansey〕
Gansey dangled his hand between the driver's seat and the door. Palm up, fingers stretched back to Blue....Blue touched his fingertips. Just this -- He pinched her fingers lightly, just for a moment, and then he withdrew his hand and put it back on the wheel.
歐歐歐歐歐這本書從一開始就超多Gansey跟Blue的幕!!!!我很喜歡他們這種閃閃躲躲的感覺,很少有小說會把這種曖昧曖昧的感情寫得這麼好!他們之間擋的不只是Blue的詛咒與Gansey今年即將死亡的這兩件事情,還有他們不希望讓其他們人不開心:除了Adam會不開心之外,還需要考慮到Ronan,因為Ronan會吃醋。(這當然不是因為Ronan喜歡Gansey或怎麼樣,就只是死黨之間有新的人介入時的那種吃醋感!其實我是可以理解的,尤其是Ronan生活中喜歡的人那麼少,想必他是會更在乎Gansey的。)啊啊啊反正重點是Blue Lily, Lily Blue從一開始就讓我有很多的Gansey + Blue,真是開心!
"This is the lady I spoke to on the phone all those months ago? How small she is. Are you done growing?" "What!" Blue said.
好吧,說起來好像我很有疑心病,但是我在The Dream Thieves中一直想說Greenmantel會不會就是跟Gansey聯絡的Malory?可能是讀Dan Brown的小說的影響,會覺得最可靠的人往往是壞人!!不過從Malory在這本書終於正式出場,我就知道一定不是他!!!Maggie真的很會寫一些超級逗趣的角色,Malory這個英國老先生真的是很有趣但常常又蠻欠揍的!!!!
"The food on the plane was appalling; it is amazing that the staff has not perished of bleeding ulcers."
"I mean this in the kindest possible way," Malory said, reclined in Gansey's desk chair, "but you cannot make tea for love or money."
Gansey was not sleeping. Because Blue had no cell phone, there was no way for him to break the rules and call her. Instead, he had begun to instead lie in his bed each night, eyes closed, hand resting on his phone, waiting to see if she was going to call him from the Phone/Sewing/Cat Room at her house.
不過話說,Blue這本裡面的脾氣好像真的有變比較差,但我覺得主要是因為他媽媽不在,整個人當然心情不好囉⋯⋯有一段把氣出在Gansey身上,我覺得是因為他累積起來的無力感吧:想讀大學不能讀,而隔一年面對的是這些男孩都要去別的地方念書,拋下她。而就算沒有她的詛咒的話,他其實也不可能真的跟Gansey在一起,所以他看到Henry Cheng,就再次被提醒自己沒有錢也沒有跟Gansey的未來,所以就會吵架⋯⋯(那段看得很心痛)
〔Ronan x Adam〕
"New plan: Adam and I are going to pull Gansey out very quickly." "What! That is a fucking terrible idea," Ronan said. "Why is that the plan?"
"I can't believe you aren't dead somewhere," Ronan told Blue. "You should be dead somewhere."
Ronan's arms were still locked around her; she felt them quivering. She didn't know if it was from muscle strain or worry. He had not even hesitated before grabbing her.
"I like the way you losers thought Instagram before first aid. Fuck off."
How he despised them, how he wanted to be them. How pointless to summer in Maine, how much he wanted to do it. How afftected he found their speech, how he coveted their lazy monotones.
Adam在The Dream Thieves中讓我非常失望,因為我實在是很難理解他為什麼會變成那樣,完全用金錢與地位來評價自己,並因為這個感到自卑。但我真的十分的佩服Maggie沒有讓Adam繼續扮演壞人的角色:讓他繼續淪陷絕對是比較好的寫法,但是作者選擇讓Adam改過向善!雖然現在我還是沒有特別喜歡Adam(應該是四個男孩中最不喜歡的一個),他也還在摸索中,我還是是很關心他的~~~
Adam had turned down so many offers of help from Gansey....Pity and charity, Adam had thought. For so long, he'd wanted Gansey to see him as an equal, but it was possible that all this time, the only person who needed to see that was Adam.
He realised the only thing he needed the favor for was to save Gansey's life.
"Maybe I dreamt you," he said. "Thanks for the straight teeth, then," Adam replied.
It was a small white plastic container...Inside was a colorless lotion that smelled of mist and moss...On the bottom, Ronan's handwriting labeled it merely: manibus. For your hands.
The scent of Cabeswater, all trees after rain, drifted past Adam, and he realised that while he'd been looking at Ronan, Ronan had been looking at him.
He dropped his coat on the chair by the front door, and then, after a moment's consideration, his pants as well. Piper's lust was lilke a single bear trap in the wilderness. It was nearly impossible to find if you were looking for it, but it was something you wanted to be prepared for if you stepped into it by accident.
"Will you marry me?" she asked. He thought about it. "I love myself the most, though. Are you okay always coming in second?" "Samesies," she replied.
She tossed the knife into the sink, where it would remain until it died. Piper was not much for housework. She had a very narrow skill set. She drifted toward the bathroom, on her way to have a bath or take a nap or start a war.
〔Jesse Dittley〕
"I AM JESSE DITTLEY. DID YOU NEVER EAT YOUR GREENS?" It was true that Blue was just shy of five feet and it was also true that she hadn't eaten her greens, but she'd done the research and she didn't think the two were related. She said, "I lost the genetic roll of the dice."
經過一番找尋,一夥人找到在另外一個ley line上可能會與Cabeswater的山洞交錯的另一個山洞,同時也找到了Jesse Dittley這個角色。雖然他在小說中的戲份不是很重,但他也是一個超級有趣的角色啊!!!感覺他跟Blue可以當好朋友的,但是⋯⋯(覺得他很可憐)。
另外,這裡有一段是Blue開車自己去(這段描述Blue極為拙劣的開車技術真的寫得很好笑),他自願要幫Jesse Dittley整理他的庭院,過程中卻讓其他人擔心,因為不知道他去哪裡。
"SHE WAS ALL RIGHT," Jesse assured him. "My head knew that," Gansey said. "But the rest of me didn't."
Her mouth didn't care that it was cursed. She turned to Gansey. "Blue," he warned, but his voice was chaotic..."I just want to pretend. I want to pretend that I could."...
What was a kiss without a kiss? It was a tablecloth tugged from beneath a party service. Everything jumbled against everything else in just a few chaotic moments. Fingers in hair, hands cupping necks, mouths dragged on cheeks and chins in dangerous proximity....
Gently he tucked her hair behind her ears...then he took out two mint leaves and put one in his mouth and one in hers.
The shoulders jerked, shitfing the body in the coffin so that the head could turn to see them. As Gansey caught a glimpse of the face, his heart sped and then stopped. He was relieved and horrified. It wasn't Glendower. He said, "It's a woman."
For Gwenllian every time was mealtime. She seemed to have neither sense of fullness nor taste, and would often combine foods in manners that struck Blue as problematic. She didn't believe in telling people how to live their lives (well, maybe a little), but it was hard to stand by and watch Gwenllian spread peanut butter on a cold hot dog.
"It takes longer than a weekend to cure centuries of damage," Persephone said. "Centuries of damage are being incurred in just a weekend," Calla replied. "She's a very gifted psychic," Persephone said mildly. "Eventually she will earn her keep." "And pay for my therapy," Blue added.
我超級喜歡300 Fox Way裡頭進行的所有對話,雖然常常看不太懂要表達什麼,但總是很有趣!另外,Gwenllian他告訴Blue他們兩個是一樣個,都可以增強他人的psychic power,他們都是mirror。
She took Persephone's hand. It was as cold as the cave walls.
天啊⋯⋯這段真的是玩全的出乎意料。從頭到尾,Calla, Maura以及Persephone好像是那種永遠不會死的人一般,從沒有想過他們可能會死亡⋯⋯這裡Blue真的說的很對,到了Persephone死亡時,他才真正的議會到自己的媽媽也有可能這樣子。在那三個之中,我覺得我最喜歡Calla講的話(因為總是很火爆又很有趣),但是Persephone最讓我感興趣!!很想要知道他的背景,卻在完全知道以前他就已經死了⋯⋯不過可以說,這段唯一的好處是又激發出了一點Blue跟Gansey的時間!(苦中做樂型讀者)
It was against the rules, but Gansey crouched down beside her, one of his knees against her back, one against her knees, and hugged her. She curled up against him, hands balled up against his chest. He felt a hot tear slip into the dip of his collarbone. He closed his eyes against the sun through the window, burning hot in his sweater, foot falling asleep, elbow grinding into the metal bed frame, Blue Sargent pressed up against him, and he didn't move.
〔The Third Sleeper〕
Gansey touched his lower lip very gently. He lowered his head, and he said, "Wake up."...He said it in a voice Adam had heard countless times, a voice he could never not listen to.
接下來,因為Persephone的死亡,Gansey下定決心一定要到Cabeswater的那個洞底。在第一本書中,他們全部都是一些很有趣但是沒有負有超能力的人(除了Ronan之外,但他那時還不太會控制他的能力),但接下來是Adam變成所謂的Magician,而Blue發現自己是mirror。現在連Gansey似乎也有超能力了!!!其實啊不知道為什麼,我從以前就覺得最後一本書標題The Raven King指的是Gansey耶?而且他在小說的過程中不斷被形容成是king,會讓我覺得是一個伏筆?!Anyways,反正Gansey喚醒了那些野獸,卻沒有辦法跟隨Blue和Ronan一起到那的mirror lake。
Suddenly, she felt arms around her, yanking her away from the lake's edge....they were iron tight, scented with sweat and moss. "It's not real," Ronan told her...For a moment they remained that way, Ronan holding her as tightly as he would hold his brother Matthew, his cheek on her shoulder.
He pulled off his ghost light and hung it over her shoulder. She didn't bother to say, But you'll be waiting in the darkness. Nor did she say, If I vanish immediately into the lake, you'll have to find your way out of here sightless. Because he'd aready known both these things when he'd given it to her.
哎哎哎再次看到Ronan其實內心是善良的~~~我知道有讀者不喜歡他,但是他內心真的是善良的!!!!!(我好像就是最喜歡這種角色了,外表機車內心善良的人⋯⋯而且這段莫名的覺得他很帥)接下來一整段Blue跟他媽媽跟他爸爸(!!!終於出現的角色)那整段都有點太陰森恐怖了啊啊啊啊啊。沒想到Piper才是整個系列的壞人,他真的是很恐怖(而且他殺了Jesse Dittley!!!!!)(但是我還是覺得他好有趣)。而作者到最後的最後把我們都已經快要忘記的角色Neeve又搬出來了!!!!!然後大家的苦心全部廢了,因為Piper跟Neeve還是把第三個sleeper給叫醒了啊啊啊啊啊⋯⋯
biblionatic! (Tiffany Liu):goodreads帳號,最完整的記錄我的閱讀過程、讀過的小說~